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HTML Formatting


Formatting in HTML is done with the html tags

<center> : This tag is used to make the center alignment

<b>:To Make the text in BOLD.

<i>:To make the text italic

<u>:To make the text underline

<font size=16 color=”red”>: font tag may be used to set the size , style or color of the font applied on given text.

<h1>: heading tag to make the text in heading (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6) tags may be used for various heading sizes.

<br> : This tag is used to break the line

&nbsp; : By using this we can insert the spaces.

<pre>: To set the predefined format.



<title>Formatting Page</title>
<center>Center Example: This text is aligned in center </center><br>
<b> Bold Example:</b><br>
<i> italic example</i><br>
<u> underline example</u><br>
First line<br><br>
this is next line even br applied in each line here<br>
<pre> pre tag example</pre>

Save the above code in a file formatExample.html .Open the file in any browser and you will see the following output.

[codepen_embed height="265" theme_id="default" slug_hash="wvBaoQy" default_tab="html,result" user="rajputadesh"]See the Pen wvBaoQy by rajput adesh (@rajputadesh) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]
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