C Programming
C Advanced
Important C Programs
Modal Box

C is a very powerful and widely used language. It is used in many scientific programming situations. It forms (or is the basis for) the core of the modern languages Java and C++. It allows you access to the bare bones of your computer.C++ is used for operating systems, games, embedded software, autonomous cars and medical technology, as well as many other applications. Don't forget to visit this section...
Syntax and Rules
There are certain rules for making a program in any programming language commonly known as the syntax of the langauge.
Syntax for C language program
- Every executable statement must end with semicolon symbol ” ; ” (except some, like control statements and function declarations.
- Every C program must contain exactly one main method (main function is the entry point for the program).
- All the system defined words (keywords) already defined in C language are in small case.
- Keywords can not be used as user defined names (identifiers).
- For every open brace ” { “, there must be respective closing brace ” } “.
- Every variable must be declared bofore it is used.
Rules for variable declaration in C Language
- Variable name is the combination of english alphabets , digits and underscore.
- No space is allowed in variable name.
- No special symbol is allowed except underscore ( _ ) .
- First character of a variable must be an english alphabet.
eg: char first_name, int price10 are valid variable names.
eg: charlast name, int5priceare not valid names.
Video/ C Introduction
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