Tkinter GUI Programming
Examples on Tkinter
Create Forms using Tkinter
Python GUI window we can create by using Frame in Tkinter. Frame works as a container to put the widgets(like label,button etc) on it.
Tkinter Form and widget design:
GUI form and widget may de designed as following
from tkinter import *
Output of the above program is as following.

To set the size of the frame window geometry(width*height) function may be used as following example. The controls may also be sized with width and height attribute.
from tkinter import *
def GameScreen():
game_screen.title("Game Screen")
Label(game_screen, text="Please enter your name").pack()
Label(game_screen, text="Username").pack()
username_entry = Entry(game_screen, textvariable="username").pack()
Button(game_screen, text="Click", width=10, height=1).pack()
Output of the above program is as following.

Click Here

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