Introduction to python
Collection in Python
Object Oriented python
Python With MYSQL And Excel
Python GUI
Programs in Python
- Swap two number
- Calculate the area
- Even Odd or Zero
- Largest ,Middle and Smallest Number
- Calculate Telephone Bill
- Print Table of The given Number
- Factorial of the number
- Reverse and check number is palindrome
- check number is prime , armstrong
- Program to Print the given patterns
- Guess A Number Game using Random
Python Tutorial
Python is one of the most popular programming language devloped by Guido Van Rossum in 1991.Ptyhon is very simple and easy to learn programming language.
Features of Python:
(a) Python is high level and interpreted programming language
(b) Python supports procedural , functional and object oriented programming.
(c) Python code can be run on any type of machines (eg. windows,linux, mac anywhere)
(d) Python is an open source langauge and freeware language so it does not need any license as
(e)Python programming can be implemented using very less compared as others like JAVA.
(f) Python has very rich library support
Applications of Python:
As a python is general purpose programming language so it can be used in following ways.
1)Software development.
2)Web development (server-side scripting).
3)Mathematics computations.
4)Automation scripting.
other applications may also be devloped easily by using Python
a) Machine learning [widely used python after that R is used for machine learning.
b) Data science projects may be coded using python.
c) Data Scrapping and web scrapping coding can easily be done using python
d) Many other type of the applications like ecommerce etc can easliy be devloped using python
As i show the following code is very less code to run python program .
To print on the screen only single line code can be executed.
print("welcome to python")
when we run the above code output is:
” welcome to python”.