Introduction to Python
Collection in Python
Object Oriented python
Python With MYSQL And Excel
Python GUI
Programs in Python
- Swap two number
- Calculate the area
- Even Odd or Zero
- Largest ,Middle and Smallest Number
- Calculate Telephone Bill
- Print Table of The given Number
- Factorial of the number
- Reverse and check number is palindrome
- check number is prime , armstrong
- Program to Print the given patterns
- Guess A Number Game using Random
String in Python
In python String variable may be declared as in single quote or double quote.
name="Sharp Tutorial" print(name) print(name[2])
Sharp Tutorial.[ First Line output
Second line output: a [As it prints the character at given index]
There are some important Functions that can manipulate the string accordingly.
1) len(): It gives the length of the given string.
name = "Sharp Tutorial!" print(len(name))
Output: 15
2) lower()/upper(): lower converts the string into Lower Case similary upper() converts to Upper case.
name = "Sharp Tutorial!"
print(name.upper()) print(name.lower())
sharp tutorial
3) We can also find the substring from a given string.
name = "Sharp, Tutorial!" print(name[3:5])
rp [first index included but not the last index so it gives the 3 and 4 index elements]
4) strip(): This function is used to remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
name=" Sharp Tutorial " print(name.strip())
“Sharp Tuorial” [only leading and trailing spaces will be removed and between space will not be affected].
5) replace: This method replaces the given string with another string.
name = "Sharp, Tutorial!" print(name.replace("u", "o"))
Sharp, Totorial! [u replaced by o].