Tkinter GUI Programming
Examples on Tkinter
Tkinter GUI Controls
Python Tkinter has multiple GUI controls to create GUI forms . Tkinter has Label , Entry(TextField) , Button etc.
Commonly used Tkinter GUI Controls:
(a) Label
(b) Entry
(c) Button
from tkinter import * screen=Tk() screen.title("Demo Page") screen.geometry("300x250")
Label(screen, text="Hello").pack() #How Lable is created
e1 = Entry(screen, textvariable="Sname").pack()#how TextField is created
e2 = Entry(screen, textvariable="pass", show='*').pack()#how Password is created
Button(screen, text="Ok", width=10, height=1).pack()#how button is created
when we run the above code output is:
Click Here

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